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J.H. Bennett Is Now An Authorized Distributor for The Monnier Companies

Paul Taylor

J.H. Bennett is proud to announce that we are now an authorized distributor for The Monnier Companies group of products -

Monnier, Flairline, & Hydronic!


Monnier, Inc. is a manufacturer of air preparation products. They have the ability to customize products per a customer’s requirements. From something simple, like anodizing a unit a particular color, to something complex, like designing and building a completely custom pneumatic solution, Monnier is an OEMs best friend.


Flairline is a manufacturer of pneumatic cylinders, check valves, flow controls, and silencers. Flairline is well known for their round-body, repairable cylinders, but they also manufacture NFPA tie-rod cylinders (up to 10” bore), and custom cylinders for a variety of industries. Their check valves and flow controls feature a unique dilating o-ring design, with no moving parts. This allows for bubble tight operation and extremely long life.


Hydronic is a manufacturer of air-driven hydraulic pumps and power units. They pump in both directions for a smoother flow and can achieve flows of up to 6GPM with pressures of up to 52,000PSI. They are very commonly used in intermittent or static hydraulic applications, like work-holding or clamping, because they do not generate heat like an electric driven hydraulic unit.



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